Trekkers Fired Up: Chef Tasting Event a Huge Success
THOMASTON – Good weather, food prepared by the best chefs in town and a sold-out crowd of supporters added up to hugely successful event for Trekkers youth-mentoring program. On Thursday, July 18th chefs representing Café Miranda, In Good Company, Ada’s Kitchen, The Block Saloon, Primo, Fiore Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars and Bixby & Co. prepared dishes for 170 guests using Biolite stoves, the same stoves Trekkers students use on expedition. To turn up the heat, guests sampled the offerings and voted for their favorite restaurant. Adam Hahn from The Block Saloon in Thomaston took the honors with Primo and Bixby & Co. coming in second and third, respectively. This year Fired Up, Trekkers largest yearly fundraiser, raised over $98,000 which will support the organizations direct programming for 7th through 12-grade students from Cushing, Owls Head, Rockland, St. George, South Thomaston and Thomaston.
First National Bank, First National Wealth Management and Hannaford Supermarkets were lead sponsors and a presence at the event. Jake Miller, VP Senior Business Development Officer, who attended the event said “First National Bank is proud to support Trekkers and their exceptional programming for local middle and high school students.” Echoing Jakes sentiments, Kristi Snow, Hannaford’s Rockland store manager stated, “Every day, Trekkers is making a difference in the lives of the young people in our community. Hannaford is proud to support Trekkers’ efforts and partner with them on such mission critical events like the Fired Up Chef Tasting.”

Pictured from left to right: Eric Hansen and Kerry Altiero of Café Miranda. Photo credit: AKZ Photography
For nearly a quarter century, Trekkers has been cultivating the inherent strengths of young people through the power of long-term mentoring relationships. Trekkers was founded in 1994 as a community-based effort for at-risk middle schoolers from Thomaston, Maine and became a year-round mentoring program in 1999, eventually evolving into a 6-year model that now serves students in grades 7th to 12th. Utilizing expeditionary learning, community service and adventure-based education, Trekkers helps students build life skills, raise and define their aspirations, and pursue post-secondary education and training. Recognizing that youth throughout Maine and beyond would benefit from the Trekkers model, the Trekkers Training Institute was founded in 2016 to provide training in Trekkers Youth Programming Principles for youth development professionals and educators. Trekkers model program is now being implemented in eight communities in Maine and beyond.
Trekkers can be reached at 207-594-5095, and
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