Since our founding, the Carpenter name has been synonymous with Trekkers’ mission to support Maine’s young people. To honor, celebrate, and recognize the tremendous impact of Jack and Don—and their lifelong vision for and commitment to the power of personal relationships in transforming young people’s lives—Trekkers is delighted to launch the Carpenter Legacy Circle. Planned and estate gifts, of any size, symbolize thoughtful and visionary support of the future of Trekkers and the young people that we serve.
Jessica, a young woman in her late thirties, recently approached me after a school board meeting. With great feeling, she said, “Jack, I want to thank you for changing my life when I was a kid.” I knew her; she was a participant in our very first Trekkers expedition in 1994.
I was moved to tears, and stunned. Why stunned? Because in those early days Trekkers was such a small program—a 7th grade trip and a service project to Hurricane Island in the 8th grade. But what we provided Jessica and friends was a whole lot of time spent with them informally—caring, building trust, modeling, listening. She reminded me: it was enough to change her life.
Nowadays Trekkers has a full six-year program, well planned and executed with all the ingredients to help build young lives. Thankfully, building meaningful relationships is still at the core of Trekkers’ mission. As a result, more and more lives are being changed. Jessica has a daughter in the 7th grade who recently became a second-generation Trekker!
I have included Trekkers in my estate plans because I want Trekkers to go on changing young lives long after I’m gone . . . not only to benefit Jessica’s daughter and my granddaughters currently in the program, but for their children and coming generations!
– Jack Carpenter
Names have been changed

Have you included Trekkers in your plans?
Membership in the Carpenter Legacy Circle is an enduring affirmation of your belief in Trekkers’ mission. We can help you determine exactly how you would like your gift to be used and invite you to join the Carpenter Legacy Circle. For more information, please contact our Development Office at (207) 594-5095.