Jack Carpenter and other caring adults identify challenged of youth lacking meaningful connections and mentors: Thomaston Trekkers is founded.
Trekkers expands to include students from St. George and Cushing.
Trekkers is able to buy its first mobile classroom bus when board member Jan Letourneau pays off “Bessie” the bus on her personal credit card. Bessie’s maiden expedition takes 8th grade students beyond the Maine borders. And Jan’s wholehearted belief in Trekkers inspires us to this day.

Trekkers elects its first student board member, Emily Lord. Student representation and leadership evolve into an important part of Trekkers’ culture. (Today, there are teo designated seats on our Board of Directors for Trekkers students. Student Board members have full voting rights and are leaders in setting strategic direction.)
The first “Cross-America” Trek brings students to the Grand Canyon.
Urban Trekkers, based on the Trekkers model of experiential learning, launches in Camden, NJ, where Don Carpenter, the nephew of our founder, had been working and spreading the word. Urban Trekkers signifies the Trekkers’ model’s efficacy and ability to be implemented beyond Maine.
The Maine Community Foundation names Trekkers the most effective non-profit in Knox County.

The Trekkers Board decides to expand the program into Rockland, Owls Head, and South Thomaston, and begins a six-year expansion plan that doubles the number of students served by Trekkers: 240 students by 2016.
Bessie retires (but will make one more trip in 2017.)

The Trekkers Training Institute is founded to provided training, coaching, and professional development opportunities based on principles and practices.
The first “Cross-America” Trek brings students to the Grand Canyon.
Trekkers forms a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to start journey of becoming an anti-racist leader in youth development.
Trekkers purchases its first building.
Youth programs informed by Trekkers’ principles are now in five other communities throughout Maine.

Trekkers’ 30th anniversary!

Here’s what some recent students say about Trekkers:
Contact Us
To start a conversation about the Trekkers capital campaign, please contact our team.
Kate Elmes, Deputy Director, kate@trekkers.org, (207) 594-5095